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Betafo, Vakinankaratra, Antananarivo: 113

Betafo is located in Antananarivo, Vakinankaratra. Its zip code is 113 .

Region 3-Postcode

Which sub-regions are included in Betafo? Here's the list of sub-regions in Betafo.
Region 3 City Postcode (ZIP)
Betafo Ambatonikolahy 113
Betafo Ambohijato Mandritsara 113
Betafo Ambohimanambola 113
Betafo Ambohimasina 113
Betafo Anativato 113
Betafo Andrembesoa 113
Betafo Anjoma Ramartina 113
Betafo Ankazomiriotra 113
Betafo Anosiarivo Manapa 113
Betafo Antsoso 113
Betafo Betafo 113
Betafo Betsohana 113
Betafo Fidirana 113
Betafo Inanantonana 113
Betafo Mahaiza 113
Betafo Mandoto 113
Betafo Soavina 113
Betafo Tanambao Ambary 113
Betafo Tritriva 113
Betafo Vasiana 113
Envelope Example
Madagascar Envelope Example
For more explanation, please read the official document: mdg.pdf . (English)

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